Rainy Day Rambling
I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. Funny how the time seems so muddled right now. I was diligently counting the days a few weeks ago, but now (since I'm full term I guess) I have to think about it before I can say how far along I am. Last night I did what I said I wouldn't do this time: I took castor oil to try to self-induce. I'm not feeling very impatient at all, and I'm not uncomfortable, so it wasn't for those reasons. Actually, I just really, really, really, really want a certain doctor - who was on call last night - to deliver this baby. He happened to deliver my last three and it really wouldn't seem right to have anyone else share this experience with us. Of course, ultimately it's God's decision and plan, and He knows best, so phooey on me. Obviously, since I'm sitting here typing this, the c/o didn't work anyway. ;-)
Well, it did produce whopper contractions for almost every hour of the night last night, but they were never regular and did not get progressively worse, and they obviously stopped eventually. Once it was time to wake up and get Wesley to school, of course. I'm not terribly disappointed that I'm not "done" being pregnant or that I'm not trying to clean meconium off a screaming baby's butt, but I'm just a little nervous that I have an entire week until my doctor is on call again, and I don't want to deliver in between! Again, God's plan, God's plan....
Chaos reigns in this house these days anyway. I nearly had a nervous breakdown trying to cook dinner the other night. Ashton tearing apart my pantry (MUST!BUY!LOCK!) to steal food, Audrey wanting to help cook and putting her stool smack-dab in front of everything I need, Wesley bugging me for water, or a snack, or an alternative to whatever meal we're eating (since he'll almost never eat what we eat w/o a fight). I'm trying to imagine cooking dinner with all the same chaos AND a baby crying in his bouncy seat (likely because Ashton has bopped him with something or Audrey has hugged him to death).
So can I just stay pregnant for another few months?
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