Quarterly Resolution Review
Well, one quarter of 2007 has already passed (can you believe it???). It's time to see how I've been doing with my New Years resolutions.
1. Okay, this is on everyone's list, but I want to change my eating and exercising habits.
My grade: B-. For exercise I get an A but I was a real slacker in the eating department. Far too few nutrients, far too many fat grams. Not enough water. So this quarter I want to focus on quality foods and lots of fruits and veggies and water, and I want to continue working out 5-6 times a week and meeting my running goals. Oh, and by the way, I changed my running goals because I already met my first goal...I ran 3 miles in 32 minutes a couple of weeks ago.
2. I want to start cooking more and learning new recipes...My goal is to entertain and cook for other people at least once a month, ideally including people from my neighborhood or friends I don't see very often.
Grade: A- We didn't entertain in February, but that was due to scheduling problems (we tried)! We had people over at least four times in January and one or two times in March.
3. I want to put Cole in his own bed.
Grade: A (and I don' t even cheat). I did it the next day. There are times when I am running a groove into the carpet with all the walking-back-and-forth, but lately I've only been up once or twice just to re-bink. He and I both like our space.
4. I want to actually stay within my grocery budget.
Grade: C. I am closer to hitting it, but I still haven't managed to come under that magic number yet. And we've started to lapse back into the frequent dining out (on weekends anyway) and that's just more money that we don't need to spend.
5. I want to keep up with my current to-do list on my online housekeeping forum. I have been doing this with much success, and I'll be adding "read Bible" and "exercise" to those lists.
Grade: A-. My list is going strong, and I'm keeping busy. The "minus" is only because I keep myself a little too busy, and if I keep it up, I might face burnout.
6. I'd like to finish some house projects in 2007. The mural behind Audrey's bed, the boys' dresser, the basement safari mural. And I'd really like to find a way to make my artwork business profitable.
Grade: C. Haven't really done any of that, but not for lack of trying. More because my baby does not like to be ignored. :-) I am discussing a website with a lady and I'm trying to figure out eBay, and I have made some profit in the last three months. But the home projects - um, not gonna happen...yet.
7. Speaking of that, I'd like to find a way to get all my artwork sold and get rid of lots of stuff so that our garage becomes available for other things, like cars.
Grade: ? I sold a LOT of artwork at the Mom2Mom sale, but I have an ever-growing pile of stuff in the garage anyway. I'm hoping for a not-too-rainy summer and a great garage sale season. This item on the list MUST be done by the end of the year, per hubby's [desperate] request.
8. I'd like to implement a lasting and effective schedule for my kids, using charts and time-outs, Super-Nanny style.
Grade: B. The chart really works, but I have to be more consistent implementing it. We do have more of a bedtime routine now, and we have established "places for things" and some new consequences for certain infractions. My big focus for the upcoming quarter will be to plan out an eating and snacking schedule. We have been having very regular family meals and game times, though.
9. I want to grow in my prayer life and Bible reading, and learn much from my Bible Studies
Grade: C. Our church had a "spiritual checkup" for every interested individual last week. Since then my prayer time and bible reading have been regular (and WONDERFUL). But, unfortunately, before that it was pretty hit-or-miss. Cole is heading towards the 6-month mark and is sleeping well, so I don't have any excuses. This one is going to be TOP priority for the upcoming quarter.
Not so bad, but I see lots of room for improvement. And when I get there, I'll be totally perfect. Nah, just kidding. I'm already perfect.
Okay, just kidding again. It's April 1, is it not?
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