Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me

If you have been "tagged" on your blog, and you're reading this post, this is how it goes. I was "tagged" and am now supposed to write 6 weird things about myself. In turn, I am to "tag" 6 other bloggers and they do the same. I don't know six other bloggers (I think I know 4), so if you've been tagged, try this!

1. I am an awful finicky eater. I hate beans. All beans, except green beans. I also hate soft white cheeses, sour cream, most cooked green veggies, avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, nuts IN things, beets, olives, and countless other things. But I grew up eating (and loving) peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. Go figure.

2. I am an NFP geek. This is not so weird to some, but to many of my evangelical buddies, it is rather strange that I enjoy talking about mucus in everyday conversation. But I love the whole charting process and am a very enthusiastic proponent of this very natural way of acheiving/avoiding conception.

3. I am a morning person, through and through. It is not unusual for me to wake up refreshed at 5:30 a.m. and burn through my chores at lightning speed. With a new baby around, I don't do this so much, but once he's sleeping 12 hrs a night, I will likely resume my early, early routine.

4. I can watch Food Network for hours on end and I am never bored. Before this I could go for weeks without turning on the TV.

5. Like Megan (who tagged me) I enjoy childbirth, and I really, really looked forward to the event - pain and all. I just love the whole process and seeing my body do such amazing things, and of course, a baby emerging is a very sweet reward at the end.

6. I am an artist but I'm not creative. I can execute a project with no problem, but I can't think of ideas very easily. People are always saying, "you're creative, what would you do with such and such?" and I'm just blank. ;-)

So they aren't so weird. But my mind fails me here. Maybe other people (who are more creative, lol) could think of stranger stuff about me.


Blogger Erika said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Janet's and found your blog through hers. Just wanted to comment that it's awesome that you look forward to birth. I think it's sad that it's been made into such a horrible experience and I'm glad there are people like you out there, reminding others that it is what your body was made for!

5:15 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Thanks! And thanks for visiting here!

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mention NFP in my list of 6 weird things, because I thought it might weird-out some of my more "Victorian" relatives. LOL But I do like NFP. I think I ovulated yesterday or today. Woohoo! LOL

5:35 PM  

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