Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Computer Go Bye-Bye

Well, I'm back from Arizona and was all prepared to post The Most Adorable Picture Ever of Cole sitting on the plane, and other fun pictures, but lo and behold, while I was on vacation my laptop decided to die a very dramatic death and crashed rather suddenly while I was sitting in the sun with my friend. (the laptop was sitting in a nice air-conditioned room at the time) I suppose that someone, somewhere might be able to fix it, but my husband is not very optimistic, since all sorts of corrupted .sys files are apparently bad. :-/

So, since I haven't backed up my hard drive since July, I've lost countless photos, many e-mail addresses, several of the websites on my favorites list, my Word files, my beloved monthly menu plan. That'll teach me. By the way, if you're reading this and your e-mail has changed since July, could you pretty-please shoot me an e-mail so that I can write you?

Anyway, Arizona was pretty fun. The weather was definitely an improvement, considering it was Snowing, in April, here in Michigan. It was great to see my friend and her brilliant toddler and darling baby. We went out a couple of times and had fun. We did, however, stay cooped up a lot at home, because her car does not hold four car seats, and we were awfully afraid that our two toddlers might just kill each other...or if not, that we might kill ourselves after listening to them fight almost constantly. so much for me resucuing Ashton from all the fighting at home! I just brought him to Arizona so he could continue throwing major tantrums and crying about everything over there. :-) The airplane trips were surprisingly glorious. The kids were so good, I was tempted to spend the next year doing nothing but sitting on seats for hours at a time with them on my lap, since that seems to be what they want. Undivided Mommy Attention for hours on end. Sure, nothing would get done in life, but my kids would be happy.

I did paint a mural for her, and luckily, I uploaded it to my photobucket album before the Great Crash, so feel free to view. I also kept up with my second week of eBay listings, and I'm slowly getting better and figuring out the best way to market this stuff. If any of you have a friend who wants letters, or YOU want letters, please go find me on eBay! These make great baby shower gifts, hint hint...


Blogger Janet said...

So sorry, Sally, about the laptop. What a nightmare! I can't even imagine.

Glad you had a good time visiting Melissa!

6:15 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Yikes! Loosing a computer is like loosing a good friend! Check with Jason York to see if he can work his magic on that hard-drive.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

oh, good idea! thanks!

4:46 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Thibault said...

Funny that you have the same layout in your blog.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Thibault said...

Funny that you have the same layout in your blog.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Hi, Jen! You DID read my blog! lol

5:12 PM  

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