Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sorry...Long Week

I have been a blogger slacker lately. This week has been sort of...weird. I got back from Arizona and was just WAY off kilter. I can't seem to find my groove (did I ever have one???) and the mountain of laundry that we have to CLIMB just to walk through the hallway is a big clue that I'm not just imagining things. I spent most of last week running in and out of zillions of stores (with three of my kids) gathering items for our MOPS craft, so nothing much was accomplished.

good news: My computer is FIXED! I still don't have it (we're getting new RAM installed) but thanks to Cheryl's advice (thanks, Cheryl) our friend at church resurrected my computer and I'm happy as can be. Note to everyone - if you haven't backed up your hard drive in a while, DO IT NOW. That's an order. :-)

I've been slightly obsessed with figuring out this ebay thing. I did get three orders in the first two weeks, which isn't bad considering all my competition and the fact that I don't have as extensive a portfolio as some of these women who have been doing it for ages. Still, since this is all new, I spend WAY too much time on the computer or down in my basement painting.

The weather here has been absolutely glorious. It's like I didn't even leave Arizona. I'm afraid that the last cold snap (which I missed, thank you God!) ruined our chances of getting a good bloom on my cherry tree (wah). But who cares, it's warm, darnit. And the kids can play outside!

I'm sick. I have swollen tonsils and a fever. I can't remember the last time I had a fever. I feel fine after Tylenol kicks in, but then I'm back to feeling like sludge when it wears off. And Cole has the WORST case of yeast in his neck folds that I've ever seen. Poor kid. He developed a special cry JUST for his apparent disomfort due to neck rash. It looks like all his skin has burned off. I've been slathering on the prescription cream, to no avail, but other things I'll be trying (besides calling my dr. which I'll do tomorrow) are yogurt with acidopholus (applied directly to the skin), lotrimin and corn starch.

If I don't feel too terribly ill tomorrow, I'm playing a major game of catch-up in this house. It's a major disaster and my laundry issue, rather the laundry pile, has grown to ridiculous proportions. More later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you're sick. :-( Let me know if you still want to read/chat tomorrow night. I haven't read yet but was hoping to get to that tomorrow.

Glad to hear your laptop is fixed!

6:50 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Thibault said...

Go to the doctor, my kids have strep. And it started with Katie. Also watch your kids they were around mine recently. Sorry you're not feeling well.

12:26 PM  

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