Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Revival! Of the Blog at Least

I've been meaning to re-start my blog for the last few weeks (funny how that always happens) and I decided, why not start it when I'm sitting around with some unexpected free time - I was supposed to be at the gym - while I wait for a plumber to come help us with flood #4 (in the last two weeks). I've never thought I'd be wading in so much water in my own house..certainly not in such a short time frame! Too bad it's not summer, I could get the kids their bathing suits and pull out the beach ball and goggles and we could have an indoor beach party!!

In other news, one of the things that has gotten me interested in blogging again (besides being able to feed these into my Facebook notes) is that I've been doing some soul-searching and taking some actual steps to reduce my working time and increase quality time, with my family, with GOD, with myself. Finally, I see a line - a line that has been drawn to show me how much work is healthy and how much ISN'T, and what the Bible has to say about that. If it's my superior multi-tasking skills or my success in business that defines me, there's something wrong with that!! Obviously, multi-tasking to the point of insanity isn't healthy, and why would I want to be defined as a frantic, sloppy, irritable maniac anyway? I'd rather be defined as a child of God.

So, in order to strive toward that Balance, I'm working to add things back into my life that have been left behind too long. And the blog is a good way for me to remember just how funny life can be. So, if my house floods a million times, and I have to vacuum three times before 9 a.m. (Cole should never be allowed to carry food around), and if my computer continually goes wacky on me, it might seem sort of hilarious later on when it's in my blog.


Blogger Cheryl said...

Yay! I'm so glad I didn't delete your Blog bookmark the other day in my bookmark cleaning frenzie. I had hopes you'd come back. :-)

11:37 AM  
Blogger Sally said...

I would have given it to you again! I just figured out how to get it fed into Facebook, so you'll know when I post now. :-)

11:42 AM  
Blogger Patti said...

Welcome Home!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

So glad that you are posting again... I love to hear what's going on at your place.
But I'm sorry that you had another flood!

1:44 PM  

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