Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Haven't Been Posting Much

Because I don't know what to say. How much do people really want to know about every detail about a day in the life of a broke housewife? It's the end of the month, so I'm just trying to scrape out the innards of my pantry and refrigerator before I can venture out on Wednesday to go grocery shopping....which is, in fact, my favorite kind of shopping.

Here are things I could have written about:

1. I have had two items in my kitchen shatter into a bazillion infinitesimal pieces in the last week. One was Corelle, which I didn't think breaks, but apparently, it does and when it does it's not just one crack down the middle. OH no. The other was my glass cutting board (I didn't know it was glass!). It took me all day to figure out what it was that broke, since the incident happened after I was trying to sweep behind the fridge and my crock pot fell off and landed on the floor along with all the glass. I had NO idea what the glass was from until I noticed, later today, that my cutting board has disappeared.

2. My kids are the messiest kids on the planet. Please tell me why Audrey finds it necessary to take a large deck of UNO cards and toss them into the air with abandon. I was still finding cards behind stuff and under things for 3 days. Needless to say, I can add that to the list of things being withheld from my kids for the time being. We had friends over the other week and my kids (and theirs) took out a bunch of [washable, thank goodness] black paint and soaked through their paper and decorated my basement carpet. They also managed to decorate my poor friend's daughter. Punishing my daughter by putting her in her room, even when I remove every last toy, would not prevent messes, because I would inevitably walk in to find a landslide of clothes tumbling out of her closet and uniformly blanketing the bedroom. It's not unusual for my kids to be seen in public with all sorts of gunk plastered on their faces and stuck in their hair. Yes, I do have some control over their appearance, but remember, I have 4 kids 6 and under, and not quite enough energy.

3. I actually inventoried every last grocery item in our household. And I've been keeping up with it. This is easy to do when it's the end of the month and, as I've said, we're scrounging until paycheck day. Now, you might refer to #2 and think, if she has time to inventory her pantry and fridge, does she not have time to brush her poor child's HAIR? Well, yes, but I can type and nurse/cuddle/entertain a baby quite easily, while I find it rather difficult to pin down Audrey and attempt to brush a moving (screaming) target and simultaneously nurse a baby. Anyway, in addition to making an inventory, I've been updating an ongoing grocery list (I take my grocery shopping WAY too seriously) and I've made my February meal plan. All this basically points to a sick obsession with food, an obsession that only escalates with fury when I am nursing. I daydream about food. I watch Food Network. I scour the internet looking for dessert recipes that I can make with the ingredients I have on hand. In fact, I just finished a slice of brownie pie.

Well, I'd better stop here. Baby is screaming and my kids, way past their bedtime and on a brownie-pie-high, are bouncing off the walls. Catch ya'll later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sally, I love reading about your day because just when I'm beginning to feel that MY kids are the only ones on earth doing what I would consider the darndest oddball things for fun, I realize with a smile that they were cut from the same cloth as yours. Kindered families ours are! I can't even imagine what power all 7 of our kids would hold if we put them together in the same house. Implosion in a sea of giggles no doubt!
Anyway,when my kids do it (has Audrey ever pulled out every last book in the home and recarpeted the floors with them? Really...you can walk on them and they will, spine to spine, all 200 of them, completely cover every square inch of carpet so that you feel some freak came in and decorated with Dr. Suess...)I want to explode, but reading about your kids doing it, well, it makes me smile. And I know that the children in our households will have wonderful memories of a crazy, fun and happy family!

Love Ya!

10:49 PM  

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