Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Our church sends around clipboards during service, a way to monitor attendance, etc. They have been encouraging people to write down prayer requests, so they can pray for us on Wednesdays and Fridays. While I got up for a minute, dh wrote this "pray that Cole will sleep through the night, because he's driving us crazy." lol. Okay, not quite. What he really meant was, Cole was sick last week and not sleeping well and driving ME crazy, which had the inevitable effect of driving my husband crazy, since I'm not usually quiet about such matters as my husband sleeping peacefully as I am ready to shoot myself while walking a screaming baby around at 4 a.m.

But, really, I'm not exactly "crazy." Cole had been sleeping really well for a few weeks, and this cold kind of de-railed him for a few days. One night was particularly bad and I guess that's the one that's "driving us crazy." He was also rather cranky all week, as one should expect when a baby is under the weather and can't take anything. Still, he's gotten much better and last night he slept 10 hours without a peep, so we're good to go. Maybe God answered the prayers before they were prayed. That would be excellent. At any rate, maybe the prayer group will get a good laugh on Wednesday.

Because Cole and Ashton had colds last week, and the weather was ridiculously cold, we didn't venture out much. I didn't get to go to the gym, which really stunk. I'm hoping against hope for a healthy week here so I can go work out. I need this.


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