Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Doctors and Hospitals and Dentists, Oh My

The Molhoek family is making up for lost time in the fields of medicine and dentistry. I am not the sort who goes rushing to the doctor for every cold. I am also not the kind of mom who goes to the doctor (right away)when I've got bronchitis for five weeks or a developing case of strep. I just hate having one more thing on my to-do list and I hate spending money. But when you've gotta go, you've gotta go. And it seems we've had to go a lot lately.

First, Cole had his six-month appointment. No biggie. But he was a week early for shots so we planned to come in the following week for pokes. 2 days later we're in there because of his horrendous growing rashes, and then promptly sent to the hospital because he had a fever. Meanwhile, I was developing what felt like strep, but ignoring it because I'm cheap. And gargling continuously with hydrogen peroxide - which WORKED. You must try. Anyway, I digress. Cole started improving, and when he went in for his shots, he didn't even cry. He just sat there. I guess that after having little gremlins eat all the skin off your neck for a week, crying over a wee shot is for sissies. (Or, in other words, for AUDREY, who had to get her boosters a few days later. She didn't kick the nurse or hide behind the door or anything, which is a bonus, but she cried! And cried! And cried! But this is not new).

So, after Cole's shots, two of my kids were roughhousing and Ashton got shoved into a lamp by a certain unnamed 5yo female and so we loaded everyone in the van at 6:00 pm and took a Molhoek Family Outing to the Urgent Care for stitches. Ashton got three and he was a real trooper. Didn't move or flinch and even sat there saying "needle inside" as he watched the dr. with the needle poking around, one inch from his eye. He cried a lot less than Audrey did, but I guess I should expect that. Boys. You know, they have to be tough.

So, while all of this medical drama was unfolding, we had scheduled dentist appointments. I blogged that I was worried that Ashton and I might have cavities. Nope, we were both cavity-free and received commendations on our excellent brushing skills. Then came Audrey. She's had two cavities before and now it appears she has TWELVE. I really do brush her teeth and make her use anti-cavity rinse! And she only drinks water and eats more healthfully than the boys! She just inherited rotten teeth (and apparently I mean that literally). So we'll be spending half the summer in the dentist's office. Joy of joys. Since then I've become the ever-vigilant brushing police. She has two wiggly teeth, almost ready to come out. But yes, you guessed it, the ones about to fall out are two of the six remaining teeth withOUT cavities.

Wesley lost his first tooth on Sunday. And then lost his lost tooth. So he put a note under his pillow to explain. There was no money under the pillow in the a.m. and my husband told Wesley that he checked his cell messages and there was a call from Ms. Fairy explaining that she was behind in her schedule but hadn't forgotten Wesley. So there was a dollar under his pillow later that day. Silly Fairy, she really should get her act together. She must have four kids six and under at home.

Today we have a follow-up at the dermatologist for Cole and stitch removal for Ashton. And my nurse-practitioner friend thinks I should really get an x-ray for my finger, which - six weeks later - is still red an inflamed and hurts like crazy. But you know me. I think I'm all doctored out for the time being.


Blogger cris said...

hi lovely sal. your kids are gorgeous. But what i'm really writing to say is that I love your writing. You are a good writer. I'm always highly entertained reading your blog.

Oh, and any advice on moving kids to toddler beds? suddenly I have 2 people disrupting my sleep and creating havoc in my daytime plans (2 and a half hours of saying "in your bed! it's time for your nap!" oh my. but oh so stinkin' cute about it ((him, not me))). Sigh.

11:36 PM  

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