Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have a Disease

It's called ICantStopItis.

So, I've been strung out as usual. Last week I had a couple of days when I had no orders to fill because I was waiting on a large shipment. So I had a garage sale for three grueling days. Then I did a mural. Then I came home and burned the midnight oil for several days to fill six orders and get them all shipped out. The end was in sight, at least for the time being (until my next shipment of five orders), and at this moment, I have six completed orders sitting on my front porch, waiting for the postman. So what did I decide to do? List my letters on a different website, an eBay-like site that sells all handmade items. I got two orders within the hour. Now I have two auction sites to manage, endless e-mails, shipping to handle and of course, orders to fill. Because I have this disease, I am painting switchplates for one of my customers and canvas-painted letters for another, because apparently one of the symptoms of this grave illness is to continually accept any and every job and to never be satified with JUST selling ONE thing.

I'm trying to do all of this while still being a good and attentive mom. Yeah.

Actually, I do feel like we've had some good time together. My letter-painting obsession has kept me at home more than usual, so we're not constantly driving (can't afford it anyway) and going places. I've had some one-on-one time with each of my kids, and Andy is having a blast getting outside with them. Audrey is a little slugger and can knock an overhand pitch nearly over our fence. Wesley is a bicycling maniac. Ashton has taken to singing. He's also goofier by the minute, and his budding vocabulary makes him all the more interesting. Cole-7 months- is gorgeous, and smiley, and a real cuddler (my first). He is STILL not sitting up. Why sit up when you can get carried everywhere? He is still mega-high-maintenance (like I said, why sit up when you can get carried everywhere?) and wins the award for Crying Endurance. There's no CIO in this house, only C. "IO" simply does not exist.

Which reminds me that there is WAY too much C in this house. I think there is someone crying during every waking minute of the day. I exaggerate. But it's at least every OTHER waking minute. Audrey and Ashton will be walking along and just drop to the floor, tripping on air. Wesley will cry about every injustice done to him in life. Cole will cry if someone is not bowing down and catering to his every whim every second of the day.

So someone asked me why, during this hectic season of my life, that I would take on a side business ("side"...HA!), and I told her it's because I'm an idiot. I blame the disease. Are there meds for this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a fabulous writer. I love to read and laugh as I relate so well to everything you say and feel like I'm in the thick of it all with you! And I am - in thoughts and prayers. There may not be a cure for your sickness, but I could probably help to make it worse... ready for some more meetings?

6:16 PM  
Blogger Patti said...

Oh no, I think it's contagious! Are the symptoms feeling overwhelmed? Snapping at your kids? The inability to say no? (Well, except involving sex. Seems I have plenty of no's in me in that dept. See overwhelmed above).
I think I have it too. Help!...I mean, bring it on! Oh crap!

11:21 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Patti, you're cracking me up! Yes, those are all the same symptoms!

Shannon, bring them meetings on! You know I can't say no!

8:09 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

Oh yea! I was going to tell you about Etsy. Isn't it WONDERFUL? I just got a handmade laptop bag from a gal there. Soooo gorgeous. Glad you business is going well and hope that you can find the time to balance everything! I struggle with it, too, but I know in the end I would never reget not working more but I would definitely regret missing life with the kiddos. Hang in there!

7:12 PM  
Blogger cris said...

bless you for your humor. i so needed that laugh about motherhood. hmmm.

11:36 PM  

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