What Do I Think?
I've been wondering lately what my personal philosophy is about parenting. I'm pretty sure I don't have one, or at least one that fits neatly in any one category. Basically, depending on the age of the child, my "style" veers from one method to its polar opposite. For instance, my temperament leads me to instinctively subscribe to most of the methods purported by Attachment Parenting advocates. I breast-feed on demand, I prefer unmedicated childbirth and have "roomed-in" in the hospital with all my kids (not by choice, though!), I wear baby in the sling a lot, I co-sleep (I don't have a crib and my bassinet is full of my clothes at the moment). Heck, I even cloth-diaper now! But the pendulum swings wildly when the kid is older. I can't honestly say that I am into "gentle discipline" (don't worry - I'm not into violent discipline either!), I probably let my kids watch WAY more TV than any AP advocate could stomach, and I have no problem with exersaucers, swings and bouncy seats. I vaccinate...but off-schedule and I promise I did my research on that one first.
So what does this make me? Confused?
Really, you could just call me "lazy." I'm not, exactly, but many of the things I do, I do out of convenience - what works best and most easily at the moment. For me, I'd rather feed my baby every 15 minutes than listen to him cry for 45. I'd rather co-sleep than get up repeatedly during the night. I'd rather use a cloth diaper than spend every last dollar on disposables. I'd rather carry baby in a sling than put him in a bouncy for a few minutes and watch his wobbly head fold in some awkward-looking position and hear him crying within seconds.
BUT, yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, in my sleep-deprived stupor, I decided I'd give this scheduling thing a try. I mean, I can't "sleep when the baby sleeps" when I have three other kids 6 and under! So I consulted my friends who have used the technique with great success, and gave the whole thing a whirl. Somehow, I managed to keep his feedings about 3 hours apart all day ( a record, I think, for my babies). That pattern mercifully continued until 5 a.m. this morning, so I did manage to get some sleep (and even a dream or two). After 5, however, Cole was up with his usual Digestive Disturbances, so no amount of sleep-training was going to help a burping, farting, gagging baby who was desperately trying to void w/o success.
I think (hope) it might get better once my milk supply adjusts to the schedule. That is, if I actually follow through. We'll see. I'll keep you updated!
I pretty much scheduled Evan. Didn't force a schedule on him, but did encourage him to nap and eat at predictable spacings throughout the day. I'm not an Ezzo-type scheduler, but I do feel that our household runs more smoothly with the baby on a routine. Even my husband, who isn't around 24/7, can determine if Evan is crying because it's time to eat or time to sleep or time for a change of scenery.
I'm the same as you, Sally. I tend toward the AP style, but I like the predictability and sleep benefits or scheduling. Josiah went 8 hours between feedings last night and we are all a much happier family today as a result.
Hey Sal. You go girl. You parent the way you and your kids need you to parent. And if that is ecclectic, so be it!
I did AP with Lucas and it was so good for his personality. Who knows what will happen with the next? And it seems every baby eventually falls into a schedule, right? We'll see. Like I said, I have a test case of one, which isn't much.
You all give me hope! Thanks!
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