He's Here! He's Here!
Colton Paul (Cole) Molhoek
Born 10/18/06, 3:17 p.m.
7 lbs 19.5 inches
Born 10/18/06, 3:17 p.m.
7 lbs 19.5 inches
And he's perfectly healthy, perfect and wonderful in every way. But of course I'm biased!
I made it to my scheduled induction at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the dr. broke my water at 12, and since he discovered that I was still 2-3 cm (no progress since last week) he suggested Pitocin. Because I'm clueless I agreed, but he and I both really wanted him to deliver this baby. He was off at 8 p.m. and I really didn't want the labor to be so slow that I'd miss my chance.
So I sat around after the Pit was started for an hour or so, and then the contractions began, fast and furious until the end. No slow build-up over time as in my spontaneous labors. And no water bag to cushion baby's noggin. So, OW. Thankfully, I had a blessing of a labor coach - my friend Jen - and she was a great support, reading me Scripture, reminding me to breathe and relax, telling my husband to stop announcing all my contractions as they showed up on the monitor, feeding me ice chips. My volume rose in increments (with each centimeter I think). I shook like crazy throughout most of labor and even fell asleep "between" contractions during transition, just like the books say.
Mercifully, I was complete at 3:15 and had him out by 3:17. I really hate pushing. Ow ow ow. After a contraction ended, I just kept on pushing. The dr. just shrugged, "I think she's just going to do this." And I did and out came Cole and I was instantly enraptured. His apgars were 9 and 9 (despite meconium in his fluid) and he has a sweet kitty-cat cry. A face like his sister's except for a nose like his daddy's. I didn't tear (first time out of 4!).
Most of the last two days have been spent holding and carrying around this perfect little creature. I have every intention of lapping up every moment (colicky or not) and rejoicing in this one last chance to have a newborn around. I know full well that time will fly and before I know it he'll be driving me bonkers like my other kids are doing.
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