Today's Star is Wesley Joel! My little first-grader!
He seems so grown-up now as the firstborn in the family. Always enthusiastically reciting facts and figures and informing us about the way things work. He is eager to learn and brings home lots of work from school, letting me know that he is indeed learning! How wonderful it is to be at the point at which your once-newborn is now reading and writing, computing and figuring. My favorite one-on-one activity with Wesley is to read with him.
Wesley is a mini salesman. He made lots of money peddling lemonade at my garage sales this summer. He even made deals with people, like "All kids get lemonade for free! But their parents' drink costs $1." :-) He is VERY interested in money. A little possessive of it, I might add. He loves getting to buy lunch (PIZZA) at school, and loves to carry his money around in his pocket.
His favorite activity is to play video games. Of course. ;-) But on his birthday (which was this past Sunday) he received a nerf basketball and net, and he and Daddy have had a blast shooting hoops. They have really bonded these days. I love to watch how a little boy loosens his grip on Mom and gravitates towards Dad. And I mean that. It's amazing how God plants that desire to grow to be a man in the heart of a little boy.
Wesley is a sweet and loving person, rarely angry and often sensitive to other's needs. He loves his friends. He takes good care of his brother. He is helpful when I ask (nicely). He's bright and eager and full of energy. I'm a lucky mom.

wow. wasn't he just that baby at our wedding who loved to yell?
Oh, wait. I've been married over 5 years. oh my. It's definately been too long since I've seen you, my Sal!
Has it really been that long?
Yikes! I'd say a trip to Seattle is in order! When baby is a bit older, maybe I can look around for cheap rates?
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