Last night was much better. And you know what occurred to me this morning? That the night before I was up all p.m. with Cole, I refilled my Coke glass at least four times at Wesley's birthday party. Well no WONDER. My poor little Cole was bombarded with Caffeine!!!
Coke would do it! I took Sudafed once when Sela was 2mo and I had a bad cold. I took it in the morning, and she did.not.nap.all.day. And there's nothing worse than being sick and having a fussy, whiny, awake newborn who wants to sleep but can't for 12 hours. If she would have napped, I could have napped, too, and felt better quicker.
Sudafed keeps a baby awake??? Another thing this fourth-time-mom did not know!
Yup. It even says right on the box "may cause excitability in children." I've taken it once or twice since having Evan, and it hasn't affected him (maybe because he was 6mo so had more body mass than Sela had as a 2mo?) but it didn't do anything for me, so it was moot.
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