Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I <3 Food Network

So, ever since I was in the hospital after having Cole, I have been addicted to the Food Network. Seriously. I could watch it eight hours a day. Which is a pretty impressive thing considering that before now, I watched TV one hour a week. I didn't even know who Rachael Ray was until October 18, and now I see her everywhere (and I never miss her show)! We just watched the Iron Chef Challenge the other day and both dh and I found it thrilling. Are we sad or what?

What else is there to do when you're stuck bouncing on your exercise ball with a fussing baby? So, while normally, I would seriously consider tossing the TV out the window, right now I'm glad I have it, and I enjoy daydreaming about a time when I can actually find the time to cook some of those things I see. I have a lot of plans for cooking, entertaining and redecorating when I return to the land of the living. Oh, to dream!!


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