The Ongoing Scheduling Saga
My plans for this Whispering thing are getting seriously de-railed as Cole can't seem to kick this congestion. Ugh. He's up (and FUSSY) every hour again. I'm keeping him in bed with me as long as it's like this, because I get much better sleep when I'm not watching the clock and can just give him his "snacks" when he wakes up so frequently. It really was getting better before his sniffly nose made nursing so difficult. Yesterday was truly awful. He was fussing for most of it, which isn't exactly normal for him. Thanksgiving Day he was an angel, but then again, I held him for almost all of it (at my FIL's house). I just pray that the cold gets better soon, because he is miserable and it makes me sad. Even in the midst of all this, Andy and I have both seen the first little grins over these past couple of days, and I know I'll see more smiles when we're all a bit happier!
I did (barely) manage to put up the decorations yesterday, though we had several snafu's with the lights. It looks nice, though. I always love having the house decorated. Today I'm going to try to escape to the store with Cole and do the toy shopping for the kids. I've got a lot of other things on my to-do list but that's going to depend on how the day goes.
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