Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Holidays are Upon Us

Wow, this is the first week that my to-do list contains a hefty portion of holiday-related projects. I can't believe it's that time already! I love all the baking and craft-making and shopping. Even if I don't buy anything at the mall, I just like going, and enjoying the hustle and bustle of it all, and the Christmas music and decorations and the smell of the cinnamon wafting out of the holiday kiosks. Anyone want to go to the mall with me? ;-) Of course, we won't be doing quite as much as usual, since we still have a little one around, but it's all very exciting anyway. And Cole loves blinky lights. I've already whipped out my "Darkest Night of the Year" CD by Over the Rhine (my favorite band). And on Friday I'm planning to decorate. No shopping on Black Friday this time!

I just have to report with glee that Cole pulled a five-hour sleeping stretch last night, his longest yet! I feel so rested! Earlier in the evening, I even got to go to my Women's Bible Study and Andy had all four kids for the first time. Everything went well and I'm totally relieved. Although sometimes I feel like a first-time mom all over again, and I have several setbacks and frustrations, I can say that we are settling into some sort of routine in the household and Cole is doing pretty well! He stared at me for so long this morning, I thought perhaps I might see his first "real" smile. I didn't, but I think it will be soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were an OTR fan. I love them too. Eila is always walking around the house singing "Il est dans mon poche." (which btw is incorrect)

8:23 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Oh my gosh! Someone else loves them??? Yahoo!!!

6:07 AM  

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