Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If I Wait Forever

..for something important to say, it might be another year and a half before I actually post something. So I'll just say whatever I can think of today!

So, my car is in the shop, again. My cars, over the years, have seemed to get a kick out of breaking down multiple times, right around the time I give birth to a baby. I guess it makes life more interesting to see a mom 36 weeks pregnant, or pushing her week-old baby in a stroller, and walking across crowded streets with a parade of children, in desperation to 1) get out of the house, and 2) run necessary errands. Very Little House on the Prairie. Come to think of it, horse-drawn wagons would have their advantages. Unless the horse dies, the vehicle never breaks down, and gas is amazingly inexpensive. Since all electronics, or all things powered of any kind, seem to spontaneously malfunction the second I touch them, I often think I'd be better off living in the 1800's. But, man, it would so not be fun to have to tromp out to the outhouse in the snow at 2 a.m. if I have to pee.

Oh, who am I kidding. Even an outhouse seems preferable after years of snaking toilets and finding things like socks, magic gliders, turkey basters, and toilet paper dispensers inside.

So anyway. We are on day 9 as a family of 7. They say (or used to say?) that it takes a village to raise a baby, and I have to say, that's definitely what's going on around here. We end up with so many visitors (who I invited) and a handful of eager neighborhood kids (who I did not invite)swarming around at all hours. Audrey, the little mommy-in-training, is not thrilled about having to share Amelia with anyone...not even me, really. :-) While I admit I'll miss having Audrey around when school starts, I will be blessedly relieved to get all these extraneous children out of my house. At last count, I seem to have enough of my own. I do realize that this is my fault for not having a backbone and making all of them play outside like all the other, smarter, moms in the neighborhood do.

Tonight I do get my baby all to myself as I am going for a girls' night at a friend's house. Ahhhh.

Talk more later!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


So it's been 14 months since I last posted, but I figured, I started this blog when I was almost due with my last child, so why not restart the blog when I've just given birth to my big surprise baby, Amelia. 5 days postpartum, I feel ready to begin again, especially after reading through all my old posts from those previous newborn days with Cole. I can't believe how much I sounded like a befuddled and overwhelmed first-time mom, when it was my *fourth* go-round.

In an attempt to move forward with a little less naivete, I thought it would help to write again. So here I am. Read if you want! It will still be random, and still include tales of chaos and the joy that comes with it (most of the time anyway!).

Stay Tuned!