Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Quick One - I promise

I've got to run in five minutes, so this will be quick.

I have a chiropractor appt and then an OB appt, then I'll go do my friend's laundry. My kids have a sleepover tonight! Yahoo! Only one child at home!! Yesterday we went to a hands-on museum. It was a little crazy with six kids and an upset tummy, but I think it's a great activity to do with little ones. Good times.

I have been dealing with 2 sleep problems - Wesley continuing to wet his bed 2 or 3 nights a week, and Audrey grinding her teeth. I have no earthly idea how to make it stop! Argh.

Okay, time to go. See, I told you this would be short.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Quick picture of our family:

Nesting Mania

I'm a Mad Nester. Usually the so-called "nesting instinct" hits me somewhere around the 7-month mark of my pregnancies, and continues to gain strength until I am slightly manic about the whole thing. I seem to be following my regular pattern, which is to finish every.single.task around my house (including taking a magic eraser to every wall!) and branch out to other people's houses. Today I am 37 weeks pregnant and after I take the kids to the gym for a while (so I can take my basketball belly on a treadmill ride) I am going to my friend's house to do all her laundry.

I get so sad thinking about the end being so near. I know I will miss being pregnant. I know this is my last (barring any unforseen Divine intervention), and I know I am not a fan of the "newborn stage." Thanks to Tylenol p.m., I am sleeping blissfully through the night (I think I am even sleeping when I take my 25 trips to the bathroom). Thanks to Protonix, I am even sleeping in the prone position (as opposed to ramrod straight in a chair to lessen the effects of heartburn). Thanks to God, I am just not that uncomfortable. I love this belly and all the kicks and tumbles inside. I love eating like a horse. I love being offered the comfy chair at all my Bible Studies. I do not look forward to a lifetime of counting calories and worrying about sucking in my 18 extra rolls of flab on my abs.

At the same time, of course, I long to meet this little child and to welcome him into the family. I want to count his fingers and toes and make sure he is healthy. I want to watch the other kids love on their little brother. My husband daydreams about moving out of the baby stage and eliminating all bottles and diapers from this house. And I admit I can't wait to sleep without the durned body pillow and eat without burping myself into oblivion.

Well, I obviously lied when I said I wouldn't always talk so much.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I've been wanting to have my own blog for ages. I don't really know why I haven't blogged before (I mean, everyone is doing it). Perhaps it's the distraction of 3 young children and one soon-to-be bundle of needs and tears, specifically my unborn son, due in 3 weeks. As it is, it's taken me a good five minutes to write the above 2 sentences, because I'm sitting on a birth ball and my daughter feels the need to continually kick it while I'm sitting here, all the while asking me when we're doing this and that, and she's bored, and can I hurry up and can she sit on the ball?

So, anyway, I suppose my blog won't be meaningful or profound in any way, but as my life is about to move up a notch in the Crazy Department, I thought I might like an outlet. So, lucky you (if there is a you); you'll get to read all sorts of nonsense and certainly plenty of complaining.

I am an artist, currently burned out, but I paint on just about any surface, and sometimes I even get paid for it. If I get inspired to paint again in the near future, I might just post some pictures here. I am also a Mouse Potato. That's in the dictionary. It means I have the tendency to spend hour upon hour operating my mouse at the computer. I post on several forums and private web boards, and I've even met a large handful of non-crazy people in real life (or IRL, of course!). In addition, I am also a Mom to 3 -almost 4- interesting kids. Wesley, who is in first grade and riding the bus! Audrey, who is perpetually bored and often precocious but usually quite delightful. Ashton, who is the funniest and cutest 2yo around. I might add that he stinks right now. He always stinks. Whenever my out-of-state friend calls me, he's inevitably stinky. This is because he poops 1000 times a day. And he does this because he's breaking into my pantry and stealing food 1000 times a day. Cole (in utero) is scaring me to death because he won't stop moving. I hope this doesn't mean that I have some sort of whirlwind arriving.

Okay, well this post is way too long already. I promise I won't always write this much, so don't be scared.