Happy New Year!
Hi readers! (all two of you) It's 2008. As usual, I have all sorts of Grand Plans for the new year, lots that I want to accomplish, acquire, redeem. But I only have one resolution (as opposed to my mongo list from last year, let's not talk about how that went....). I want to PRAY more. I realized that those wee hours of the morning when I'm alone and painting are perfect moments to pray, especially for my children. So I want to commit to praying for each of my kids and for my husband every morning. I feel like it might be a little more feasible to accomplish all that Other Stuff on my list if I'm praying about everything...don't you think?
So, I know I fell off the blogging bandwagon about halfway through 2007. I got in over my head with this painting business, and Balance was not on my list of Things I Acheived. I gave it a fighting try - in spurts - but really, I was just plain overwhelmed and I was doing a terrible job at just about everything except painting. What I did manage, however, was to get so sick and tired of being so busy and overwhelmed that I learned what my priorities were. The young wife (can I call myself young? ) in the Bible is commanded to make her home and family her priority. Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a season for everything. It's not the season for me to spend every waking hour holed up in my basement dungeon, painting like a wild person, while my kids are upstairs tearing up the house and screaming at each other.
I streamlined my processes. I hired a couple people to help me manage my time more efficiently. I learned that assembly lines are great! I figured out shortcuts and learned to say "no" or "wait" more often. I stopped acting like a crazy eager beaver and continually seeking out more business when I had business coming out my ears. Now, I have a manageable amount of work on my plate. I can finish in the early a.m. and spend the rest of the day on my priorities. Being with my children. Cleaning. Cooking and baking. Exercising. Reading. And Praying.
Still, I'm only making the one resolution. I think everything will fall into place if I'm walking in the Spirit.
As for the kiddos, they finished off 2007 with a bang. Cole is walking, saying a handful of words, drumming, scribbling, eating with a spoon (or throwing it, depends on the day), going up and down stairs, depositing various objects in the toilet and continually locking himself in various rooms around the house, pointing at everything and making everyone laugh. Ashton is giggling, learning letters, numbers, shapes and colors in preschool, dressing himself ten times a day, going potty and drawing smiley faces. The more language he acquires, the funnier he gets. Every night at dinner he thanks God for the food and for his helicopter watch (a helicopter that fits on his wrist) and his pressure watch (a pretend blood pressure cuff that is on his wrist all the time). He's still afraid of EVERYTHING, but we're making headway in that department. Audrey is LOVING kindergarten and all the stimulation she gets (and desperately needs). She has a ton of friends (no surprise) and is wowing me with all her incredible artwork and creative ideas. She's writing a ton and starting to pick up the whole reading thing. Wesley is thriving in second grade - he has a fabulous, creative teacher and knows more about the Pilgrims than I EVER did. He also knows a bunch of other stuff and relishes the change to relay all his endless amounts of knowledge with anyone who will listen. I am so proud of my kids and how they are growing up. Of course, like any kids, they all have their moments that make me want to tear my hair out and throw it at them, but I wouldn't trade this crazy life for anything.