Random Tales of Chaos and Joy

A whole bunch of nothing and sometimes something.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm BAAA -ACK! So soon!

I'm just catching a teeny little moment in time when I can say that ALL FOUR KIDS are sleeping!!!! It's about time! Actually, I sent Wesley and Audrey to their rooms for fighting and forgot about them, lol. But seriously, they needed the rest. It's been a busy week. We had vacation bible school, which was really great this year, and a carnival last night, and then a trip to the park this morning. More McD's breakfasts than I care to admit. Errands to the convenience store and JoAnn's and the produce stand. Lots of fighting and house-trashing. And I, of course, was (let's all say it together in unison) - PAINTING LETTERS. And drawing 80 million sketches of letters.

In fact, I should be painting right this minute. I also should be cleaning my house, but two kids are sleeping on the couch right now and I'm terrified to do anything that could possibly wake them up! I mean, this is monumental. I'm off to go enjoy the peace and quiet - for another ten minutes if I'm lucky!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ugh a Lug

I wanted to post only because I promised!

I have a splitting migraine...again. I think I'd like to cut off my head and sell it.

I went to VBS this morning, and between groups of kids coming in to do a craft, I got caught up on my paperwork...what better place, huh?

Then I took the kids to the chiropractor, then to the doctor. My kids pulled out toys and all their gold tokens from VBS and Audrey removed her shoes and they managed to trash the doctor's office while we waited for the doctor. I'm pretty sure there is nothing they can't trash somehow.

Then I came home and battled with usps.com and lost. It took me over an hour to print four mailing labels, and even then I had to get really creative to do that. And my computer was slow. And Cole was fussy (shots). And the kids were trashing the living room and fighting (that's normal, almost not worth mentioning). I got all my packages on the front porch five minutes before the mailman arrived.

Then I went to work on my third set of letters for the day (remember I wake up at 4 every day now) but Cole was beside himself and this migraine is worsening by the minute, so I might just have to accept that I will be behind and go take a nap.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

I know it's been forever since my last post. I have all sorts of reasons for my absence, none of them very convincing, since I have still been on the computer multiple times every single day since I posted. I could blame my never-decreasing pile of wooden letters, my husband who does not like this letter one little bit and would like his wife back one of these days, my children who can trash the house much more quickly than a team of professionals could clean it, or a newly mobile baby, or, or, or.

But seriously, the reason I haven't blogged is because I never seem to have anything substantial to say. At least nothing that would take longer than a sentence to report. It seems I'm constantly storing up little tidbits in my head, thinking "that would make a great blog!" but then I think, well, I'll wait a little longer until I have more to say than *just that*, and by the time I think of it again (okay, IF I think of it again) it's old news, or boring news, or something more exciting has happened, or I just plain don't remember how the story went in the first place. Like, this morning, Wesley came downstairs like the dutiful firstborn rule-follower he is, and, referring to our new list of House Rules, he knew that there would be a Punishment for taking food without asking. So he asks me if he could have some cereal. I said no because Dad would be up soon and we'd probably go out for breakfast. And he said, "Well...see, I accidentally poured a bowl of cereal for myself..." See, there really isn't enough substance there to take up an entire blog...at least not one that anyone would read!

BUT, if I posted every day, then I could write short little blurbs and include all things substantial and unsubstantial, and you all could have the enormous pleasure of tapping into my stream of consciousness and witnessing how truly fascinating (ha ha) my life is on a day-to-day basis. So, if there is anyone left who reads this blog (I'm thinking Shannon because you get alerts when I blog and Cheryl because you are just so faithful), get ready to see a lot more posts! And pictures, too.